For the 19th year in a row, the Department of ACTS of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” has been closely cooperating with the well-known Cisco Systems Inc. Corporation, delivering to students of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” the most relevant training courses valued by employers around the world, through the Cisco Academy Curriculum at the Department (year of foundation 2002), and in particular, to students of the Department and faculty of FIOT.
In January 2021, the Cisco presented to the head of the Cisco Academy at Department of ACTS the digital badge (badge – insignia, emblem) “Instructor 10 years of service”. Digital badge is a popular electronic sign of professionalism in many countries around the world certified by an independent organization (in this case – “Acclaim by credly “) and confirms the qualities of its owner to the employer (potential employer); used in professional social networks (such as Linked-in), resumes, etc …
The text accompanying the badge is here:
Acclaim by credly This badge was issued to Vadym Poltorak on 19 January 2021.
Instructor 10 Years of service issued by Cisco
The 10 years of service badge is awarded to an instructor for dedicated participation in the Cisco Networking Academy program over a period of 10 years. The badge recognizes the instructors’ commitment to the program and sustained impact on the lives of students and the communities in which they live.
Experience Facilitation Presentation skills Teaching Training
Earning Criteria
Ongoing delivery of Cisco Netwoking Academy Curriculum to students for 10 Years.
Teach at least three students in Cisco Netwoking Academy courses per year.”
Really it was 19 Years of Cisco’s curriculum delivering, and 300-500 students per year.
Badge image from the page “Acclaim by credly” and its Verification is here: