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  • Ukraine, Kyiv, 03056
    Politekhnichna street, 41,
    Building 18, rooms 528
  • +380 (44) 406 86 10
    +380 (44) 454 92 85
Today, our Kyiv Polytechnic is 125!
August 31, 2023

November 25, 1896 at a private meeting in the house of commercial adviser Lazar Brodsky, a decision was made to establish in Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and already on August 31, 1898, the university opened its doors to the first 360 students.

Today KPI is:
• 8 university name changes;
• 23 rectors;
• 14 faculties and 10 institutes;
• more than 5,000 employees;
• hundreds of famous academic graduates;
• an invaluable community of more than 20,000 students, thanks to which KPI is a big family ❤️

❤️ Everything will be Ukraine! Everything will be KPI!

