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XVI International Open Student Programming Olympiad named after S. Lebedev and V. Hlushkov “KPI-OPEN”
June 5, 2023

Friends, KPI-OPEN 2023 will start soon! This year, the Olympiad will be held from July 12 to 14. The Department of IST is a co-organizer of the Olympiad.

Students of Ukrainian and foreign higher education institutions, as well as schoolchildren, can take part in the Olympiad.

The main goal of the Olympiad is to draw society’s attention to the importance of intellectual competitions among students, to promote the professional development of future IT specialists, their leadership and team qualities. Thanks to the support of the leading IT companies-partners of this Olympiad, the participants of the programming competition will have a unique opportunity to initiate personal professional contacts with representatives of Ukrainian and international companies in particular and take the first independent steps on their career path.

In order to take part in the Olympics, the team coach must register all team members on the website. The following number of participants from the team is mandatory: a coach, a captain and two other participants. The working language of the Olympiad is English.
• deadline for registration is June 30;
• July 12-14.
Where: online
