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  • Ukraine, Kyiv, 03056
    Politekhnichna street, 41,
    Building 18, rooms 528
  • +380 (44) 406 86 10
    +380 (44) 454 92 85
ESP “Information systems and technologies”

Specialty 126 “Information systems and technologies”
Third (PhD) level of higher education

The purpose of ESP is to train professionals who deeply understand the general state of modern information systems and technologies and related theoretical principles of research, innovation and pedagogical activity, successfully carry out scientific research, design, development, implementation and effective application of information systems and technologies (IST ) in various fields of human activity, international economy and production and is implemented through:

harmonious and multidimensional education of future highly qualified technical specialists who are able to comprehensively and systematically analyze the problems of information systems and technologies and related industries, aware of the nature of surrounding processes and phenomena, to provide and conduct intercultural communication;
formation of high adaptability of higher education students in conditions of transformation of the labor market through interaction with employers and other stakeholders.

A feature of the program is the formation of a competency-based approach taking into account the international level of development of the specialty, trends in its renewal, including the use of foreign benchmarking practices, as a continuous process of detailed research of best practices, which contributes to the rapid improvement of competitiveness.

Educational program Information Systems and Technologies (ESP 126, PhD)-2024

Educational program Information Systems and Technologies (ESP 126, PhD)-2023, update

Educational program Information Systems and Technologies (ESP 126, PhD)-2023

Educational program Information Systems and Technologies (ESP 126, PhD)-2022

Educational program Information Systems and Technologies (ESP 126, PhD)-2020

Certificate of accreditation
