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Postgraduate studies

Admission to the 1st year (according to EIT certificates)

Admission to the master’s degree

Official documents of the selection committee

Training at IST

Postgraduate studies

How to find us


Information on admission on the official site of the admissions committee

One of the leading departments of Ukraine, whose alumni activities are related to computerization, is the Department of Information Systems and Technologies of Faculty of Informatics and Computing Technique of National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”.

The department carries out training of students in the specialty:

126 “Information systems and technologies”

Educational program “Information systems and technologies”

The purpose of the educational program “Information systems and technologies” at the Department of “Information Systems and Technologies” is to train professionals who deeply understand the general state of modern information systems and technologies capable of developing comprehensive engineering solutions to create components of integrated information systems and carry out relevant professional activities in various fields. activities, national economy and production and is implemented through:
• harmonious and multidimensional education of future highly qualified technical specialists, able to comprehensively and systematically analyze the problems of information systems and technologies and related industries, realizing the nature of surrounding processes and phenomena, to provide and conduct intercultural communication;
• formation of high adaptability of higher education seekers in the conditions of labor market transformation through interaction with employers and other stakeholders.
