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  • Ukraine, Kyiv, 03056
    Politekhnichna street, 41,
    Building 18, rooms 528
  • +380 (44) 406 86 10
    +380 (44) 454 92 85
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Admission to the 1st year (according to EIT certificates)

Admission to the master’s degree

Official documents of the selection committee

Training at IST

Postgraduate studies

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At the Department of Information Systems and Technologies, students study in the specialty:

Specialty: 126 Information systems and technologies

Field of professional activity of specialists – development and support of information projects for various purposes. Graduates work as developers of software and hardware complexes of information and communication systems, various software using modern approaches and technologies (developers), as specialists in the development and maintenance of service-oriented software architectures, design, management and development of IT infrastructure (system and software architects) and software project managers (team leaders), specialists in computerized control systems, data processing and programming, information security, development and use of microcontrollers for various purposes, computer network administrators, project managers, system and business analytics , engineers in data analytics, business consultants for the implementation and reengineering of complex systems, developers and testers of information control, computerized and robotic systems and technologies, administrators of database management systems and knowledge bases, information technology specialists o maintenance and mutual integration of their work processes into each other, debugging engineers, testers of complex electronic, computer and automatic equipment, as well as research engineers.

Educational program «Integrated Information Systems»

The purpose of the educational program “Integrated Information Systems” at the Department of “Information Systems and Technologies” is to train professionals who deeply understand the general state of modern information systems and technologies capable of developing comprehensive engineering solutions to create components of integrated information systems and carry out relevant professional activities in various fields. activities, national economy and production and is implemented through:
• harmonious and multidimensional education of future highly qualified technical specialists, able to comprehensively and systematically analyze the problems of information systems and technologies and related industries, realizing the nature of surrounding processes and phenomena, to provide and conduct intercultural communication;
• formation of high adaptability of higher education seekers in the conditions of labor market transformation through interaction with employers and other stakeholders.
The program includes the study of theoretical principles and the acquisition of practical skills for the integration of:
• single-level components of information systems;
• organizational and technical set of software, computing and telecommunications facilities and connections between them – the creation of IT infrastructure;
• components of different levels of the system into a single information control system.
Such integration will ensure the development of the enterprise’s IT environment, increase its productivity, efficient business conduct and competitiveness.

Educational program «Information management systems and technologies»

The purpose of the educational program “Information Control Systems and Technologies” at the Department of “Information Systems and Technologies” is a fundamental and comprehensive training of specialists capable of developing comprehensive engineering solutions for creating, implementing and maintaining information control systems and technologies to support management decisions in business. state and regional management, taking into account international standards in the field of information systems and technologies, using innovative approaches, the latest technologies and a powerful mathematical apparatus that ensures competitiveness in the modern labor market for graduates of this educational program.
The program provides educational qualifications for professional activities related to the development of integrated engineering solutions for the creation, implementation and quality support of information management systems of various profiles, including the use of information logistics and information audit, various intelligent systems and modern information technology, and development of information technologies in various fields and types of production and commercial activities, transport systems, state and regional administration, science, education, medicine, social activities, including design and use of fundamental and applied information technologies and development of means of their implementation.

Educational program «Dataware of robotic systems»

The purpose of the educational program “Dataware of robotic systems” at the Department of “Information Systems and Technologies” is to train a specialist who can solve complex problems and practical problems in the field of information systems and technologies and carry out professional activities in the design, implementation, deployment, development and administration of information systems in the field of robotics and information support of robotic systems.
The program includes the study of theoretical principles and the acquisition of practical skills in the development and maintenance of information, software and hardware for robots and robotic systems, built on information-sensor, control and executive modules and integrated into a single control system with artificial intelligence. The orientation of the program determines the inclusion in the curriculum of disciplines that ensure the formation of competencies in various fields of knowledge – from system integration to the development of information processing and control tools that ensure the functioning of robotic systems.
